Sunday, May 9, 2010


So I was just teasing you guys last week, this is actually really the last blog. I didn't want you guys to be sad so I just tricked you so now you really want me to go away. Well tomorrow is the "big" day for my AP physics exam. I really dont want to get college credit for it since i did so terrible this year. But hopefully I get a three and do the best I can. I studied enough this year and I dont think cramming is gonna do just praying for a miracle. Please continue to pray for me, not joking. What does the picture have to do with physics? Umm how about everything?!!! You know how Neal was "the one" in the matrix? Doc! is the One for Physics. From announcing to "stupid mistakes" of the week (which I always did) to point charges hiding in his pocket, doc! never failed to entertain (and teach) especially Greg, Dylan, David, and I (in the back row). I'm really going to miss this class and I've enjoyed it so much and tried the hardest I could and have in any other class I've ever taken. I have no regrets and I would do it all over again (if I was smarter). Bye friends :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Don't be too sad my dear followers, but yes it is true that this is my last blog for AP Physics and boy I am happy! I know you all may be distraught but think how much we've been through this past year and how much knowledge you've acquired from my "knowledge" of physics. I've tried my hardest to teach you what I know best which is mostly w=mg and torque (which isn't on the AP exam). For my last blog, I'll write about optics because the name of my blog is Phyiscs through my Eye-ris so here it goes..I've had glasses since I was in second grade and my eyes have been just getting worse each year. I have nearsightedness, or myopia, which means I cant see far away objects. The reason my vision is so bad is because the images I see are formed in front of my retina. So, my glasses help correct my vision by using diverging lens. Diverging lens have are thinner towards the center which causes light tp "spread out." I hope you have learned as much as I have this past year; it really has been a pleasure! :) alohhhaaaaaaaa

Sunday, April 25, 2010

the end is near!

Oh my gosh, this is the second to the last blog ill ever write!! how crazy, how sad. Actually i hope we have to write four more'll really help my 30% quiz average :) I hope everyone is still praying for me and my miracle, you dont know how bad i need it!! I went to school on saturday, that is how much im hoping this miracle will come true! So above is a picture of me through a fish eye lens. Through a fish eye lens, lights refracts so that the photo produced is a wide-angle view that compresses images. A little reminder, refraction is the change in the direction of light as it passes from one medium to another or the "bending" of light.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Few more weeks of hell, literally. As doc said, nothing is free. I cant wait until APs are over. I would just like to say to anyone who is reading this blog, please pray for me these next weeks. I need a MIRACLE!!! Its not a joke, please!! Thank you :) Alright, so since Iris is the Greek goddess of the Rainbow, I decided to write about the physics of rainbows.. The fundamental process at work in a rainbow is refraction: the bending of light. Light bends or changes directions when it travels from one medium to another. This happens because light travels at different speeds in different mediums. Drops of rainwater can refract and disperse light in the same basic way as a prism. In the right conditions, this refraction forms rainbows. Rainbows are only images, not tangible, which is why no matter how hard you look or how far you travel, it's impossible to find the pot of gold waiting at the end of it. :(

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Last

My last cheerleading competition was this past emotional. The last of everything is coming and its really sad. The last physics test is coming up, ohh my gaawwwd! My LAST chance to ace a test, i dont know if I can do it, I have no confidence in myself. I'll let you know how it goes though. Ok, last blog about weight (mass x gravity) and the normal force. I'm sorry, its the only concept of physics that I understand. So basically me and satoe (in the middle) are creating a normal force on demi (flyer) with our hands in order to keep her balanced. And as you can see on the outside Tori and Ashley are demonstrating torque as their straight bodies slow their rotation and also the force of gravity which pulls them back down. You could think of it like Ashley and Tori having a KE of zero at the beginning of the stunt and a potential energy equivalent to how much "energy" the bases put into the stunt which then converts to Tori and Ashley's Kinetic energy.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Its fourth quarter my fellow followers! and then I'm to college..maybe ill start a college blog but maybe not. cuz ill be having too much fun!! Chee! So, last week we came back to school and tomorrow we have a test! physics is soooo fun! In the short amount of time we had, we learned about interference. An interference pattern is created by causing a beam of light to pass through two parallel slits to illuminate a viewing screen. Constructive interference of light waves accounts for the bright regions (called bright fringes) while destructive interference causes the dark fringes. The beam of light we used in labs were laser pointers. Yes, they do more than just blind people.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Refraction of Water

The end is near and I'm almost a fourth quarter senior! how crazy! soon, I'll be blogging about physics in college life! hahaah nott. my followers dont appreciate me enough.. in this picture above you see a the new girl scout cookies box, called Thank You Berry Much (my new favorite, go order yourself some doc! :)), and a glass of water. But, can you see the entire box of cookies clearly? I think not! This is because of REFRACTION! cool yea?! Refraction is the change in direction of light as it passes from one medium to another. In other words, its the change in speed and direction of light. the speed of light is slower through water (than air) which is why the image we see is "bent" or distorted. The way the glass is shaped can also affect the distorted image of the cookie box because the glass isn't flat but round.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Self Reflection

Doc, since youre reading it a requirement that i take the AP Physics exam, because I am dreading it!! ahh, baseball season is brutal huh? To all my faithful followers doc is the smartest man who unfortunately has to deal with me everyday :) So, this picture was taken awhile ago when i was getting ready to go out with some of my girlfriends. And it is very relevant to what we're learning this week, light reflection and mostly the physics of mirrors. First, you must learn the terminology. If we're looking at this picture, I am the object and the reflection of myself is the image. There are also many light rays that're involved in what you see in a mirror. For example, the color or light from my dress seen in the mirror has a path of light that begins at my dress to the mirror to the camera lens (that took this picture). Since there is only one mirror in this scenario, the distance of the object, myself, from the mirror is equal to the distance the image, my reflection, is from the mirror.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Feeling on your toes

Hellllooooooo, how is everyone doing out there?? I'm greeaaat! :) Ever get the feeling like youre walking on your toes? Well in dance, you can!..on pointe shoes! I work in a dance store and I always walk by this poster and it never occurred to me until recently about what kind of physics is involved in this pose. Looks easy huh? its not! trust me, walking on your toes is tough as it is, but touching your toes and standing on them is a million times harder! Ok, so pretty much same concept as last week except the position is totally reversed and on toes! One must be very skilled to stand in the position above because you need a good arch in your feet in order to comfotably balance on your toes. The point shoes are sturdy, they have to be since they balance the dancer's entire weight on an area about the size of a silver dollar! Isn't that crazy. So unlike last week, where a flyer had to balance their entire weight on four palms, a ballerina on pointe must be very aware of her weight distribution in order for her weight to be equal and opposite of the normal force from the dance floor.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Aloha Spirit

Hey folks! haven't talked to you all in awhile. we had no homework weekend last week so i didnt want to overachieve and write a blog anyways, sorry. We are learning about the magnetic field and this weird Right Hand Rule thats sooo confusing. instead of confusing myself more, I'm just going to talk about what I know best. by the way, 14 weeks til i graduate, so thats only probably less than ten blogs :( what are you gonna do without me? So here, we have a picture of my flyer, demi who is doing a scorpion. This takes a lot of skill, more than I thought after learning of all the physics involved. The bases, me and Renee, act as a "flexible" platform for Demi. Flexible in that we adjust our grips so that she doesnt lose her balance. Demi's body is demonstrating torque. To review, torque is equal to the distance from axis to force multiplied by the force applied to the object. The axis is Demi's waist. And demi holds her leg with her arms in order for her weight (mass x gravity) to be vertically down. And we, the bases, try our hardest to keep the normal force vertically up.
Dont try this at home :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


So this weekend I was at the biggest cheerleading competition in the world. 857 teams and over 10,000 athletes, it was pretty exciting and overwhelming. Our team, Cheer 808 Pohaku, took fourth place and represented Hawaii very well. If you are a physicist, you would be so proud and happy to see what great physics was occurring at such a place. The tumbling, stunting, dancing, and cheering all required some type of physics. Tumbling (flips) considered gravity and its potential energy, lots of torque, and momentum. We could get deductions if we didnt stick our tumbling, or land with two feet on the ground. Stunting (throwing girls in the air) also considered gravity, weight and its distribution. If the flyer's weight was distributed unevenly amongst the bases, she would fall and we'd get deductions from the judges. Dancing and cheering required coordination and correct body placements. Like stunting, if our weight was distributed evenly we would be off count and wouldnt be synchronized as a team.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Walking Oreo

Alright, I forgot again, I've been so busy sorry readers. By the way, I'm going to ATL this week for a big national cheerleading competition so can someone please remind me to update you! thanks! We're learning about the electric field now but i am kind of lost so i dont want to teach you anything inaccurate or wrong so i will do a quick review on tension. Above is a picture of my boyfriend walking his cute dog Oreo. She loves her walks and sometimes she gets a little too excited and tries to walk ahead of us, creating a stronger tension through her leash. If she walks too fast or too slow compared to how fast we are walking the tension in the leash increases towards her body weight (mass x gravity). And if she gets too crazy or doesnt listen the tension may equal her weight for a second or two.

Monday, January 25, 2010

I'm sorry I'm late readers! My dad came home this weekend so it slipped my mind. I cant believe that january is almost over! So this week is about the electric field, electric charges, and colulombs law. I'm going to talk abotu creating charged objects. How does it happen? Well, its from the addition or removal of electrons which create negative and positive charged objects. Above, is a picture of my friend Sophia. When she rubbed the pink balloon against her head, it created static (sticky) electricity, causing her hair the balloon to stick to each other. Rubbing the balloon and hair togehter facilitates the transfer of electrons by providing a greater level of contact between their molecules. Go try and rub a balloon on your hairy head and see how much static electricity you can create.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Hey there my dedicated followers! Its been a five day weekend and now I'm officially a second semester senior and done with college apps! Hello senioritis!!!!! So during this looong weekend I went to a beachhouse in laie with some friends. I realized why we're all so lucky to live in Hawaii and also why physics is sooo cool! I mean check this tunnel I made. Only with AP Physics would I be able to understand why the tunnel remains a tunnel and doesnt cave in. (by the way, the tunnel im referring to the little hole at the bottom of the picture) So you wanna know why?? Well it's simple, the weight of the sand above the tunnel is supported by the normal force of all the sand surrounding it. This is why its better to construct sand castles (or tunnels) with wet sand, because water acts as glue for the substance, sand. The water holds together the sand which creates a greater normal force than the weight from the sand above the tunnel. Also the compactedness of the sand is how it stay in a tunnel form. So, go make a tunnel at the beach to see for yourself!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Keeping out the Heat

Blogger, you have failed me! I posted a blog but you didnt. Anyways, I hope everyones first weeks of the new year have been awesome!!! So this weeks we're learning about thermodynamics and heat!! Fun, fun fun! :) The first law of thermodynamics is heat equals work done plus internal energy (Q=W+U).
There are many types of processes: isochoric, isothermal, and isobaric. That is when volume doesn't change, temperature doesn't change, and pressure doesn't change respectively. So you may be wondering whats up with the picture of the refrigerator above?? Well, in most cases, such as with heat engines, the amount of heat going in is greater than the heat going out. But since a refrigerator is generating cold air and maintaining a cool temperature, there is a negative net work because there is more heat going out than in. Weird, your refrigerator is doing negative work!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The World is Flat?!!!!

Happy New Year everyone!!! Its finally 2010!! Wooooowhoooo!!! So during this awesome winter break I read this terribly long book called The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman and here's how it went.

According to Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary, the definition of globalization is the development of an increasingly integrated global economy. In Thomas Friedman’s The World is Flat, the reason for the increasing “flatness” of the world is to due to globalization. Globalization is caused by ten reasons, but overall by the efficiency of new and upcoming technology, the high level of intellect from numerous individuals, and the growing economy. The world is flattening rapidly day by day as our power as an individual grows.

I had my doubts about this book but I would definitely recommend it to the world, or to people like me who are ignorant to the world’s changes and the effects of it. I learned that when I soon become exposed to the real world after college I have to be particularly cautious of whom I trust and make bonds with because nowadays people will do anything for money and power. I will also have to be able to fend for myself because there will always be someone better than me trying to take my spot, and it’s my job to “learn how to learn.” Politicians, leaders, and parents have to work at educating people on the new, flat world and what they need to thrive in it. We need leaders willing to inspire and explain.

As an individual, I feel it’s my duty to share my knowledge of the global economy, the environment, the relationship between the helpless and wealthy, the power of the human mind, and this book with everyone in order to inspire and allow for a more secure future.

The most important aspect of what I learned from The World is Flat is that we all need to gain the ability to use our imagination in a positive manner. With the strength of imagination, the four and a half billion individuals in this world can accomplish anything.

Friedman has the ability to explain his theories and beliefs so thoroughly and efficiently which is why I enjoyed reading his book. At first, his ideas may seem absurd but continue reading and you’ll probably end up agreeing with everything he points out.